Don't Change The Subject A dark, funny, uplifting documentary about surviving suicide
   Premiere: October 13, 2012

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We are pleased to announce that you can watch Don't Change The Subject in its entirety here (or on Vimeo):

Please feel free to send that link to a friend, relative, loved one, mental health professional or school.  The whole point of this movie is to stop being afraid of the conversation ... making the movie is all worth it if people continue to see it.  Thanks so much!

Don’t Change the Subject is a darkly comic look at what happens when one man dares to ask questions about the dirtiest word in any language – suicide.  Director Mike Stutz investigates his mom’s suicide by opening up a conversation with his family that they never had when he was a kid.  Then he recruits a band of writers, artists, dancers, comics, punk clowns (yes there are punk clowns) and suicide survivors to put their own unique stamp on the conversation.  Teenagers dance to autopsy reports.  A jumper gives tips on how to come out of a coma. A comic discovers that suicide can actually be funny. Also dozens of amazingly honest and incredible people open up about their lives in ways that you'd never expect. Oh and there's animation, a suicide band, and parties for dead people.

 © Copyright 2012-2019 Hoffenrich Productions, Inc.
Contact us about Don't Change The Subject ... mikestutz (at) dontchangethesubject (dot) org

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